Platonic Solids - 24/03/2020
AUTOCAD In this class we learn how to do 5 platonic solids. The first platonic that we did, was a Tetrahedron . We started by drawing an equilateral triangle. Then by doing 3 circles, using CIRCLE , we found the sides and we colored the 4 faces with HATCH , and by doing this we have the planification of the solid. To find the right hight, we draw a line in the base of the center triangle, and then a circle, that goes from the bottom of a triangle, to a the top. Made this, we are going to rotate the circle, in a 90º angle, by using 3DROTATE. And we are going to pull one side up, using ALIGN . As all sides are equal, we can use 3DARRAY , and we choose 3 sides, that is going to produce our final solid. The second solid that we started to plan, was a Hexahedron . The plan of this solid, is equal to a cube. So we start by drawing a square, and add more 5 faces, and we color it. After that we use 3DROTATE ,...